I'm back!(and smiling)... and with an acceptance!!

I'm still at home, writing, enjoying jackfruit that grows in our own house, and sleeping till late morning(of course, I miss staying up late like I did in my hostel.)

I'm a graduate now. :) Yes, officially an engineer, and it has been quite an amazing and satisfying college experience for me. I got a 9.18 in my last semester, my highest, and an overall point of 8.39. Now, I have my fingers crossed(in my mind) as I wait to receive my offer letter that will officially start my career.

Looking back, I do feel rather grown up- having finished school and college. Looking forward, however, I still feel so young, with so many things yet to be accomplished.

In the past few weeks, I've received rejections again. It does indeed take a lot of patience, being a writer, and having a skin from which rejections bounce of is a must(of course, after it soaks up the useful criticism rejection letters offer sometimes).

That said, I had another story accepted today, by Daily Science Fiction. It is my first acceptance from a professional market, and I' really, really, really happy. It makes me think that my writing has indeed got something in it, although I hope to keep on improving.

How's everyone doing lately?


P.S. I may soon post a review of my favorite anime, Fantastic Children. My hands are itching to type it, but well, I'd hold it off till...well, soon.


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