Acceptance from The Colored Lens Magazine!

Hi Friends,
I have good news— “The Houses They Became” has been accepted for publication by The Colored Lens.
In the light of this acceptance, I think I’ll talk a little about my journey with The Colored Lens.
The Colored Lens was one of the first magazines I chose to submit my stories to, back in 2015 when I gathered the courage to send my stories out. To date, I’ve sent them almost 17 short stories. Many made it to their second round, where they “Hold” stories for possible publication.
It was a sign that there was something in my stories they liked, something which made them hold it till their final voting round. However, all were rejected.
Coming this close and still getting a rejection can dampen your spirits even more, but I did not lose heart. I like the magazine, and I wanted to get published by them.
Finally, that goal has been achieved after they accepted the latest fantasy short story I submitted to them “The Houses They Became.” I’m very fond of this story and I’m glad they loved it too.
So yay for me! I am happy that I did not give up, but consistently flooded them with my stories till they accepted one!
All those previous rejections don’t hurt now. I can look back at those rejections now and smile and say “I did it, after all!”
Of course, there is a long way to go from here, a long list of publishing goals to achieve, but these small triumphs always make the day worthwhile.
So saying from my own experience, never give up folks! Never give up.

Best wishes,


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