Writing Rambles.. and a little help :)

Hi everyone,
So yeah, it's been a long time since my last post. I'm back home from college, and this time it's not a semester break. College life is over. Waiting to get the date of joining from Infosys and kickstart job life now.  In the meanwhile, the monsoons have arrived, the weather is lazy, and Siliguri as always, keeps on reminding me about why I love it more than Kolkata.
My writing is pacing up again. I slacked off during the initial days after homecoming, allowing myself to be pampered, but now I'm back to words and their magic. Truth is, I'm never really away from them anyway. I'm reading books or writing diaries or laying Scramble when I'm not writing. Always words, you see. And oh, yes, watching anime. That's a must as well.

Some of my stories have received rejections over the past few days, but I'm taking them in my stride. You have to, really, when you submit to magazines. You have to be prepared for rejection letters. At least most of them have been personal for me. :) That is a real encouragement; I hope it means that my writing is not all rubbish and that I can improve it with polishing.

I've heard from many places that Duotrope is a real nice place to find out about appropriate submission markets, but it is not free any more. And well, subscription is a little expensive for me. So I was looking for other options, and I came across The Submission Grinder. It is a really useful tool, and most importantly it's free(and will be that way forever, according to them). I love checking it out, it has become a sort of daily habit for me now. I found many markets from there and I'm grateful for that.
There's another useful blog I found... Six Questions for ... by Jim Harrington and you should definitely check it out. It is an ingenious idea, and it delves deeper into the editors' minds and lets you have a better idea of what various magazines look for in their submissions.
That's all for today.
Hope everyone is doing well,
Happy reading,

P.S. If any of you play Scramble with Friends, be sure to find me there and challenge me. :D My username there is tami792. See you!!


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